share your

Make your #LoveNotes
short and sweet

We know your fans are appreciative of the community you’ve brought into their lives. So all the fans who watch, comment, like, share, and subscribe to your videos–it’s time to return the love. Share #LoveNotes with your biggest supporters on Shorts.

Use Shorts to build community

We love the community you’ve created and so do your fans. Keep your community engaged and growing with these 3 key steps.

Share your story Share your story

Share your story

Make it clear to your audience who you are and why you create your content. Providing behind-the-scenes peeks into your life, marking your milestones.

Build traditions Build traditions

Build traditions

We all know consistency is key, but traditions like quirky phrases, fanbase nicknames, and inside jokes can also help foster a healthy subscriber community.

Take the lead Take the lead

Take the lead

Community is about conservation - consider asking subscribers direct questions (via videos, stories, or community posts) that can provide direct feedback and influence your content ideas.