01/7​1 kg tomato costs close to 100 INR!​

Tomato price has become a national news headline. At several places in the country, one kilo of tomato costs Rs 100. An important part of Indian cuisine, the skyrocketing price of tomatoes has fueled concerns among households. Extreme heat and delayed monsoons are believed to have affected the production and supply of tomatoes. In this article, we discuss a few healthy ways to store tomatoes.


02/7​Should you refrigerate tomatoes?​

​Should you refrigerate tomatoes?​

We have always been told that tomatoes should not be refrigerated. A refrigerator is a colder storage place for tomatoes. So, always keep the tomatoes at room temperature and use the ripe ones first. Only when you have lots of ripe tomatoes, you can refrigerate them.


03/7​Store them stem-side down​

​Store them stem-side down​

To make sure tomatoes do not rot quickly and to increase their longevity store them stem side down. This will ripen them faster. Storing them this way and keeping them away from the sunlight will keep them fresh and edible for a long time.


04/7​Buy greener ones​

​Buy greener ones​

If you want to store them for a long time, buy unripe greener ones instead of ripe red ones. Green tomatoes can stay fresh at room temperature for almost a week. Just make sure the storage place has no moisture, or else the tomatoes may get spoiled.


05/7​Check your stored tomatoes regularly​

​Check your stored tomatoes regularly​

This will help you to save the entire load of tomatoes from rotting. Checking it regularly will help you identify the mold and signs of rotting. Remove those tomatoes immediately.


06/7​You can freeze them​

​You can freeze them​

Cut tomatoes into small quarters. Put them in the freezer until they become solid. Now place them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. You can store tomatoes like this for 3-4 months.


07/7​You can make tomato puree​

​You can make tomato puree​

Clean tomatoes properly and dry them with a cloth. Remove moisture from the skin of the tomato. Cut them into pieces and make a smooth puree in a blender. Store this in an airtight container in the refrigerator. You can use the puree for 10-15 days.

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