Your monthly performance on Search

Monthly performance email

If you own a property in Search Console, you might receive a monthly email that shows the highlights of your site's performance on Google. If you like, you can unsubscribe from this email.

Here are some tips to help you understand this email better.

Understanding the numbers

The data here applies to Google Search results. Your site must have been registered and collecting data with Search Console for at least three months in order to get this message.

Here is a summary of the key numbers in the email:

Monthly performance numbers:

Top growing pages and Top performing pages: Which pages on your site are growing the fastest (by absolute value, not by percentage change ), and which have the highest number of clicks. These values are "month over month" changes (how this month compared to the previous month).

Top growing queries and top performing queries: The fastest growing queries in Google Search that return a link to your site. (A query is the phrase that a user types in the Google Search box.)  These values are "month over month" changes (how this month compared to the previous month).

Devices: What device type your users were searching on when they found your site.

Google Search surface: How many users clicked on your site, by search type: Web search (the default, or general, search results), image search, video search, and Discover.


What is "Web" or "Web search"?
Whenever you see "Web" as a search type in the email, this means the general results tab in Google Search (the default search type, shown as "All" in search results), as opposed to an image or video search.
Web search results are labeled as "All"


Unsubscribing from the monthly email

You'll continue to receive this email monthly unless you click the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the email. If you unsubscribe, you can always re-subscribe by changing your email preferences in Search Console.

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