This page covers migrations for current and previous versions of the Google Mobile Ads SDK for iOS. Version 12.0.0 is expected to be released in February 2025.
Migrate from 11 to v12
Upgrade to Xcode 16.0
The minimum supported Xcode version has increased to 16.0.
Swift naming support
Version 12.0.0 includes changes to follow the naming conventions in the Swift API Design Guidelines. These changes impact Swift only. No naming changes have been made to the Objective-C APIs.
Class prefix changes
The following changes have been made to the class prefixes:
- Removed the
prefix across names for all types. - Renamed the
prefix toAdManager
. - Renamed the
prefix toMediation
Resolve errors
The best way to resolve errors resulting from these changes is to make a Fix-It correction.
Resolve naming conflicts
To resolve naming conflicts, use the namespace provided by the module. For
example, GADRequest
is now named Request
. The following example namespaces
the Google Mobile Ads SDK Request
import GoogleMobileAds
var request: GoogleMobileAds.Request?
Detailed list of Swift changes
The following tables list the changes made to the Swift APIs:
Version 11 | Version 12 |
GADAdapterInitializationState |
AdapterInitializationState |
GADAdChoicesPosition |
AdChoicesPosition |
GADAdChoicesView |
AdChoicesView |
GADAdFormat |
AdFormat |
GADAdLoader |
AdLoader |
GADAdLoaderAdType |
AdLoaderAdType |
GADAdLoaderDelegate |
AdLoaderDelegate |
GADAdMetadataDelegate |
AdMetadataDelegate |
GADAdMetadataProvider |
AdMetadataProvider |
GADAdNetworkExtras |
AdNetworkExtras |
GADAdNetworkResponseInfo |
AdNetworkResponseInfo |
GADAdReward |
AdReward |
GADAdSize |
AdSize |
GADAdSizeDelegate |
AdSizeDelegate |
GADAdValue |
AdValue |
GADAdValuePrecision |
AdValuePrecision |
GADAppEventDelegate |
AppEventDelegate |
GADAppOpenAd |
AppOpenAd |
GADAppOpenSignalRequest |
AppOpenSignalRequest |
GADAudioVideoManager |
AudioVideoManager |
GADAudioVideoManagerDelegate |
AudioVideoManagerDelegate |
GADBannerSignalRequest |
BannerSignalRequest |
GADBannerView |
BannerView |
GADBannerViewDelegate |
BannerViewDelegate |
GADCustomEventExtras |
CustomEventExtras |
GADCustomEventRequest |
CustomEventRequest |
GADCustomNativeAd |
CustomNativeAd |
GADCustomNativeAdLoaderDelegate |
CustomNativeAdLoaderDelegate |
GADCustomNativeAdDelegate |
CustomNativeAdDelegate |
GADDebugOptionsViewControllerDelegate |
DebugOptionsViewControllerDelegate |
GADDebugOptionsViewController |
DebugOptionsViewController |
GADDisplayAdMeasurement |
DisplayAdMeasurement |
GADExtras |
Extras |
GADFullScreenPresentingAd |
FullScreenPresentingAd |
GADFullScreenContentDelegate |
FullScreenContentDelegate |
GADAdapterStatus |
AdapterStatus |
GADInitializationStatus |
InitializationStatus |
GADInterstitialAd |
InterstitialAd |
GADInterstitialSignalRequest |
InterstitialSignalRequest |
GADMediaAspectRatio |
MediaAspectRatio |
GADMediaContent |
MediaContent |
GADMediaView |
MediaView |
GADMobileAds |
MobileAds |
GADMultipleAdsAdLoaderOptions |
MultipleAdsAdLoaderOptions |
GADMuteThisAdReason |
MuteThisAdReason |
GADNativeAd |
NativeAd |
GADNativeAdLoaderDelegate |
NativeAdLoaderDelegate |
GADNativeAdView |
NativeAdView |
GADNativeAdCustomClickGestureOptions |
NativeAdCustomClickGestureOptions |
GADNativeAdDelegate |
NativeAdDelegate |
GADNativeAdImage |
NativeAdImage |
GADNativeAdImageAdLoaderOptions |
NativeAdImageAdLoaderOptions |
GADNativeAdInlineBehavior |
NativeAdInlineBehavior |
GADNativeAdInlineBehaviorOptions |
NativeAdInlineBehaviorOptions |
GADNativeAdMediaAdLoaderOptions |
NativeAdMediaAdLoaderOptions |
GADNativeAdUnconfirmedClickDelegate |
NativeAdUnconfirmedClickDelegate |
GADNativeAdViewAdOptions |
NativeAdViewAdOptions |
GADNativeMuteThisAdLoaderOptions |
NativeMuteThisAdLoaderOptions |
GADNativeSignalRequest |
NativeSignalRequest |
GADPresentationError |
PresentationError |
GADPublisherPrivacyPersonalizationState |
PublisherPrivacyPersonalizationState |
GADQueryInfo |
QueryInfo |
GADRequest |
Request |
GADRequestError |
RequestError |
GADRequestConfiguration |
RequestConfiguration |
GADResponseInfo |
ResponseInfo |
GADRewardedAd |
RewardedAd |
GADRewardedSignalRequest |
RewardedSignalRequest |
GADRewardedInterstitialAd |
RewardedInterstitialAd |
GADRewardedInterstitialSignalRequest |
RewardedInterstitialSignalRequest |
GADSearchBannerView |
SearchBannerView |
GADServerSideVerificationOptions |
ServerSideVerificationOptions |
GADSignal |
Signal |
GADSignalRequest |
SignalRequest |
GADVersionNumber |
VersionNumber |
GADVideoController |
VideoController |
GADVideoControllerDelegate |
VideoControllerDelegate |
Ad Manager | |
GAMBannerAdLoaderDelegate |
AdManagerBannerAdLoaderDelegate |
GAMBannerView |
AdManagerBannerView |
GAMBannerViewOptions |
AdManagerBannerViewOptions |
GAMInterstitialAd |
AdManagerInterstitialAd |
GAMRequest |
AdManagerRequest |
Mediation | |
GADMAdNetworkAdapter |
MediationAdNetworkAdapter |
GADMAdNetworkConnector |
MediationAdNetworkConnector |
GADMBannerAnimationType |
MediationBannerAnimationType |
GADMediatedUnifiedNativeAd |
MediationUnifiedNativeAd |
GADMediatedUnifiedNativeAdNotificationSource |
MediationUnifiedNativeAdNotificationSource |
GADMediationAd |
MediationAd |
GADMediationAdConfiguration |
MediationAdConfiguration |
GADMediationAdEventDelegate |
MediationAdEventDelegate |
GADMediationAdRequest |
MediationAdRequest |
GADMediationAdapter |
MediationAdapter |
GADMediationAppOpenAd |
MediationAppOpenAd |
GADMediationAppOpenAdEventDelegate |
MediationAppOpenAdEventDelegate |
GADMediationBannerAd |
MediationBannerAd |
GADMediationBannerAdConfiguration |
MediationBannerAdConfiguration |
GADMediationBannerAdEventDelegate |
MediationBannerAdEventDelegate |
GADMediationCredentials |
MediationCredentials |
GADMediationInterstitialAd |
MediationInterstitialAd |
GADMediationInterstitialAdConfiguration |
MediationInterstitialAdConfiguration |
GADMediationInterstitialAdEventDelegate |
MediationInterstitialAdEventDelegate |
GADMediationNativeAd |
MediationNativeAd |
GADMediationNativeAdConfiguration |
MediationNativeAdConfiguration |
GADMediationNativeAdEventDelegate |
MediationNativeAdEventDelegate |
GADMediationRewardedAd |
MediationRewardedAd |
GADMediationRewardedAdConfiguration |
MediationRewardedAdConfiguration |
GADMediationRewardedAdEventDelegate |
MediationRewardedAdEventDelegate |
GADMediationServerConfiguration |
MediationServerConfiguration |
Real-time bidding | |
GADRTBAdapter |
RTBAdapter |
GADRTBMediationSignalsConfiguration |
RTBMediationSignalsConfiguration |
GADRTBRequestParameters |
RTBRequestParameters |
Version 11 | Version 12 |
GADAdLoaderAdType.gamBanner |
AdLoaderAdType.adManagerBanner |
GADAdSizeBanner |
AdSizeBanner |
GADAdSizeFluid |
AdSizeFluid |
GADAdSizeFullBanner |
AdSizeFullBanner |
GADAdSizeInvalid |
AdSizeInvalid |
GADAdSizeLargeBanner |
AdSizeLargeBanner |
GADAdSizeLeaderboard |
AdSizeLeaderboard |
GADAdSizeMediumRectangle |
AdSizeMediumRectangle |
GADAdSizeSkyscraper |
AdSizeSkyscraper |
GoogleMobileAdsVersionString |
GoogleMobileAdsVersion |
Type | Version 11 | Version 12 |
GADAdLoader | loading |
isLoading |
GADAudioVideoManager | audioSessionApplicationManaged |
isAudioSessionApplicationManaged |
GADBannerView | autoloadEnabled |
isAutoloadEnabled |
GADMobileAds | sharedInstance |
shared |
applicationMuted |
isApplicationMuted |
GADMuteThisAdReason | reasonDescription |
reason |
GADNativeAd | customMuteThisAdAvailable |
isCustomMuteThisAdAvailable |
GADNativeAdCustomClickGestureOptions | tapsAllowed |
areTapsAllowed |
GADNativeAdImageAdLoaderOptions | imageLoadingDisabled |
isImageLoadingDisabled |
GADNativeMuteThisAdLoaderOptions | customMuteThisAdRequested |
isCustomMuteThisAdRequested |
GADNativeSignalRequest | imageLoadingDisabled |
isImageLoadingDisabled |
customMuteThisAdRequested |
isCustomMuteThisAdRequested |
GADRequest | neighboringContentURLStrings |
neighboringContentURLs |
GADResponseInfo | extrasDictionary |
extras |
GADServerSideVerificationOptions | customRewardString |
customRewardText |
GADSignal | signalString |
signal |
GADSignalRequest | neighboringContentURLStrings |
neighboringContentURLs |
GADVideoController | customControlsRequested |
areCustomControlsRequested |
clickToExpandEnabled |
isClickToExpandEnabled |
GADVideoOptions | startMuted |
shouldStartMuted |
customControlsRequested |
areCustomControlsRequested |
clickToExpandRequested |
isClickToExpandRequested |
Type | Version 11 | Version 12 |
GADAdSize | GADPortraitInlineAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth(_:) |
portraitInlineAdaptiveBanner(width:) |
GADLandscapeInlineAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth(_:) |
landscapeInlineAdaptiveBanner(width:) |
GADCurrentOrientationInlineAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth(_:) |
currentOrientationInlineAdaptiveBanner(width:) |
GADInlineAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidthAndMaxHeight(_:, _:) |
inlineAdaptiveBanner(width:maxHeight:) |
GADPortraitAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth(_:) |
portraitAnchoredAdaptiveBanner(width:) |
GADLandscapeAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth(_:) |
landscapeAnchoredAdaptiveBanner(width:) |
GADCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth(_:) |
currentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBanner(width:) |
GADAdSizeFromCGSize(_:) |
adSizeFor(cgSize:) |
GADAdSizeFullWidthPortraitWithHeight(_:) |
fullWidthPortrait(height:) |
GADAdSizeFullWidthLandscapeWithHeight(_:) |
fullWidthLandscape(height:) |
GADAdSizeEqualToSize(_:, _:) |
isAdSizeEqualToSize(size1:size2:) |
IsGADAdSizeValid(_:) |
isAdSizeValid(size:) |
GADAdSizeIsFluid(_:) |
isAdSizeFluid(size:) |
CGSizeFromGADAdSize(_:) |
cgSize(for:) |
NSStringFromGADAdSize(_:) |
string(for:) |
NSValueFromGADAdSize(_:) |
nsValue(for:) |
GADAdSizeFromNSValue(_:) |
adSizeFor(nsValue:) |
GADClosestValidSizeForAdSizes(_:_:) |
closestValidSizeForAdSizes(original:possibleAdSizes:) |
GADAppEventDelegate | adView(_:didReceiveAppEvent:withInfo:) |
adView(_:didReceiveAppEvent:with:) |
interstitialAd(_:didReceiveAppEvent:withInfo:) |
adView(_:didReceiveAppEvent:with:) |
GADAppOpenAd | load(withAdResponseString:) |
load(with:) |
load(withAdUnitID:request:completionHandler:) |
load(with:request:completionHandler:) |
canPresent(fromRootViewController:) |
canPresent(from:) |
present(fromRootViewController:) |
present(from:) |
GADBannerView | load(withAdResponseString:) |
load(with:) |
GADInterstitial | load(withAdResponseString:) |
load(with:) |
load(withAdUnitID:request:completionHandler:) |
load(with:request:completionHandler:) |
canPresent(fromRootViewController:) |
canPresent(from:) |
present(fromRootViewController:) |
present(from:) |
GADRewardedAd | load(withAdResponseString:) |
load(with:) |
load(withAdUnitID:request:completionHandler:) |
load(with:request:completionHandler:) |
canPresent(fromRootViewController:) |
canPresent(from:) |
present(fromRootViewController:userDidEarnRewardHandler:) |
present(from:userDidEarnRewardHandler:) |
GADRewardedInterstitialAd | load(withAdResponseString:) |
load(with:) |
load(withAdUnitID:request:completionHandler:) |
load(with:request:completionHandler:) |
canPresent(fromRootViewController:) |
canPresent(from:) |
present(fromRootViewController:userDidEarnRewardHandler:) |
present(from:userDidEarnRewardHandler:) |
GADVersionNumber | GADGetStringFromVersionNumber(_ version: GADVersionNumber) |
string(for:) |
Mediation | ||
GADMAdNetworkAdapter | getBannerWith(_:) |
getBanner(with:) |
presentInterstitial(fromRootViewController:) |
presentInterstitial(from:) |
getNativeAd(withAdTypes:options:) |
getNativeAd(with:options:) |
GADMediatedUnifiedNativeAd | didRecordClickOnAsset(withName:view:viewController:) |
didRecordClickOnAsset(with:view:viewController:) |
GADMediationAdapter | setUpWith(_:completionHandler:) |
setUp(with:completionHandler:) |
GADMediationAdSize | present(fromRootViewController:) |
present(from:) |
GADMediationAppOpenAd | present(fromRootViewController:) |
present(from:) |
GADMediationInterstitialAd | present(fromRootViewController:) |
present(from:) |
GADMediationRewardedAd | present(fromRootViewController:) |
present(from:) |
GAMInterstitialAd | load(withAdManagerAdUnitID:request:completionHandler:) |
load(with:request:completionHandler:) |
API changes to controlling video mute state
The isMuted
property and setMute:
method on GADVideoController
replaced with a muted
Changes to inline adaptive ads
To optimize space utilization, inline adaptive ads initially occupy no space
in the frame. Calling CGSizeFromGADAdSize(_:)
an inline adaptive ad size now returns 0
height until the Google Mobile Ads
SDK returns an ad.
Removed custom search ads
The following classes are removed with no replacement:
Changes to error codes
The following error codes have been changed:
Class | Notes |
GADErrorMediationNoFill |
Errors now return as GADErrorNoFill . |
GADErrorReceivedInvalidResponse |
Has been replaced with GADErrorReceivedInvalidAdString . |
Removed GADSimulatorID
Removed GADSimulatorID
. Simulators are already in test mode by default.
Changes to custom targeting
The customTargeting
dictionary on GADRequest
now uses Any
instead of
as the value type. This lets you pass numerical values to the API.
Changes to extras parameters
- Passing keys into
no longer applies custom targeting to Ad Manager ad requests. To apply custom targeting, see custom targeting.
- Passing the
key intoadditionalParameters
is no longer supported. To set a maximum ad content rating, see ad content filtering.
Migrate from v10 to v11
Minimum deployment target
The minimum deployment target has been increased to iOS 12.
Minimum Xcode version
The minimum supported Xcode version has been increased to 15.1.
Ads stop serving on iOS 12
Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.0.0 serves ads only on devices running iOS 13 and higher.
Removed GoogleAppMeasurement dependency
In version 11.0.0, the dependency on
has been
removed. This dependency that powered the user metrics toggle in AdMob will be
discontinued in early 2024. To
continue collecting user metrics in AdMob,
link your AdMob app to Firebase and
integrate the
Google Analytics for Firebase SDK into
your app.
Changes to full-screen ad presentation
The following changes affect the various ad formats:
- App open
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
- Rewarded interstitial
The view controller parameter in -canPresentFromRootViewController:error:
is nullable. If nil is passed, the ad is
presented from the topmost view controller in the view controller hierarchy.
Methods removed
The following methods are removed.
v11.0.0 Type | Method | Notes |
GADAppOpenAd | load(withAdUnitID adUnitID: String, request: GADRequest?, orientation: UIInterfaceOrientation) |
Use load(withAdUnitID adUnitID: String, request: GADRequest?) instead. |
GADMediationBannerAdEventDelegate | willBackgroundApplication() |
No replacement. |
GADMediationInterstitialAdEventDelegate | willBackgroundApplication() |
No replacement. |
GADMediationNativeAdEventDelegate | willBackgroundApplication() |
No replacement. |
GADMediationRewardedAdEventDelegate | didRewardUser(with reward: GADAdReward) |
Use didRewardUser() instead. |
GADMediatedUnifiedNativeAdNotificationSource | mediatedNativeAdWillLeaveApplication(_ mediatedNativeAd: GADMediatedUnifiedNativeAd) |
No replacement. |
GADRequestConfiguration | setSameAppKeyEnabled(_ enabled: Bool) |
Use setPublisherFirstPartyIDEnabled(_ enabled: Bool) instead. |
tagForUnderAge(ofConsent underAgeOfConsent: Bool) |
Use the tagForUnderAgeOfConsent property instead. |
tag(forChildDirectedTreatment childDirectedTreatment: Bool) |
Use the tagForChildDirectedTreatment property instead. |
Properties removed
The following properties are removed.
v11.0.0 Class | Property | Notes |
GADMediationAdConfiguration | hasUserLocation | No replacement. |
userLatitude | ||
userLongitude | ||
userLocationAccuracyInMeters | ||
childDirectedTreatment | Use GADMobileAds.sharedInstance.requestConfiguration.tagForChildDirectedTreatment instead. |
GADResponseInfo | adNetworkClassName | Use adNetworkClassName from loadedAdNetworkResponseInfo instead. |
Removed GADAdFormatUnknown
Removed GADAdFormatUnknown
with no replacement.
Changes to logging SDK version
Version 11.0.0 removes sdkVersion
. To log the Google Mobile Ads SDK version,
use versionNumber
Changes to GADAdLoader error handling
Starting in version 11.0.0, GADAdLoader
doesn't make an ad request if its
doesn't conform to the requested ad types' delegate protocol. Previously, it
failed after the ad request was made.
Changes to testing behavior
See the table which shows the updated conditions for when the following
properties return true
Class | Property |
GADMediationAdConfiguration | isTestRequest |
GADCustomEventRequest | isTesting |
v10.0.0 | v11.0.0 |
Migrate from v9 to v10
Ads stop serving on iOS 11
Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.0.0 serves ads only on devices running iOS 12 and higher.
Upgrading to Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.0.0 will not break your app on iOS 11 and iOS 10 devices, however, no ads will be served on those devices.
Requirement of Ad Manager App ID
The Ad Manager App ID is now required in Info.plist
for all Ad Manager apps and
requires the ca-app-pub-################~##########
format. See Update your Info.plist
for more details.
Requirement of GoogleAppMeasurement.xcframework
GoogleAppMeasurement.xcframework is now required for all Ad Manager apps. If you install the Google Mobile Ads SDK through Cocoapods or Swift Package Manager, no additional action is required. If you install frameworks manually, see Manual Download for more details.
Building with bitcode is no longer supported
Disabling bitcode in your mobile apps is now required to integrate the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
Types removed
Type | Notes |
GADGender | No replacement. |
GADMRewardBasedVideoAdNetworkAdapterProtocol | All rewarded mediation adapters listed on Choose Networks have stopped using these protocols for over a year. Use GADMediationAdapter for mediation and custom events. |
GADMRewardBasedVideoAdNetworkConnectorProtocol |
Properties removed
The following properties are removed with no replacement.
v10.0.0 Class | Property |
GADMediationAdRequest | userBirthday |
userGender | |
userHasLocation | |
userLatitude | |
userLongitude | |
userLocationAccuracyInMeters | |
userLocationDescription | |
GADCustomEventRequest | userHasLocation |
userLatitude | |
userLongitude | |
userLocationAccuracyInMeters | |
userLocationDescription |
Migrate from v8 to v9
Ads stop serving on iOS 10
The minimum iOS version the Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.0.0 supports is iOS 11.
Upgrading to Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.0.0 will not break your app on iOS 10 devices, however, no ads will be served on those devices.
Stricter enforcement of status bar controls
Starting from version 9.0.0, when you present full-screen format ads, your app should ensure that the ads are able to control the presentation of the status bar. You will see an error message in the logs if you fail to do so.
Depending on the specific layout of view controllers in your app, you might not
need to make any changes to ensure this. Consider whether you need to set the
property on your ad's rootViewController
Rename adDidPresentFullScreenContent: to adWillPresentFullScreenContent:
There is no behavior change. The delegate method is invoked right before the ad is about to be presented, so the new method name better reflects its functionality.
Remove location setting API on GADRequest
- (void)setLocationWithLatitude:longitude:accuracy:
has been deleted from
since location data is not used by Google to target ads. Use
third-party APIs to provide the information to third-party ad networks if
Custom event interfaces deprecation
Custom events enable publishers using Ad Manager Mediation to add waterfall mediation for an ad network that isn't one of the supported ad networks.
All the custom event protocols are deprecated. Instead, use the existing
protocols to achieve the same functionalities. This change improves clarity and
enables you to create custom events for rewarded ads and interscroller ads which
were not previously available.
The table below lists the corresponding mediation adapter APIs to custom events APIs that should be used starting from version 9.0.0.
v8 | v9 | |
GADCustomEventBanner GADCustomEventInterstitial GADCustomEventNativeAd |
GADMediationAdapter | GADMediationBannerAd GADMediationInterstitialAd GADMediationInterscrollerAd GADMediationRewardedAd GADMediationNativeAd |
Delegate is returned by the load completion handler of each load function
of GADMediationAdapter class
-init |
-init |
-requestBannerAd:parameter: |
-loadBannerForAdConfiguration: |
-requestInterstitialAdWith |
-loadInterstitialFor |
-loadNativeAdFor |
N/A | -loadInterscrollerAdFor |
N/A | -loadRewardedAdFor |
-presentFromViewController: |
-handlesUserClicks |
-handlesUserClicks |
-handlesUserImpressions |
-handlesUserImpressions |
Delegate methods
The table below lists the corresponding mediation ad event delegate methods to custom event delegate methods that should be used starting from version 9.0.0.
v8 | v9 | |
GADCustomEventBannerDelegate GADCustomEventInterstitialDelegate GADCustomEventNativeAdDelegate |
GADMediationAdEventDelegate | GADMediationAd |
-customEventBanner:didReceiveAd: -customEventInterstitialDidReceiveAd:
Ad load status is included in the load completion handler of
each load function in the GADMediationAdapter class
-customEventBanner:didFailAd: -customEventInterstitial:didFailAd:
-customEventBannerWasClicked: -customEventInterstitialWasClicked:
-reportClick |
-customEventBannerWill -customEventInterstitialWill
-willPresentFullScreenView |
-customEventBannerWill -customEventInterstitialWill
-willDismissFullScreenView |
-customEventBannerDid -customEventInterstitialDid
-didDismissFullScreenView |
-customEventBannerWill -customEventInterstitialWill
-willBackgroundApplication |
viewControllerFor |
-[GADMediationBannerAd view] |
Other removed/replaced methods and constants
Changes to method, constant, or property | |
kGAD- prefixed constants
Removed. Use GAD- prefixed constants.
credentials were removed. Use adUnitMapping
kGAMSimulatorID in GAMRequest is deprecated.
Use GADSimulatorID in GADRequestConfiguration
mediaView in GADCustomNativeAd is deprecated.
Use mediaContent instead.
In-App Purchase APIs in GoogleMobileAds |
inAppPurchase APIs in GoogleMobileAds were
Migrate from v7 to v8
Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.0.0 introduces a few major changes as well as some renames and removals of APIs.
Full-screen format API updates
Starting with version 8.0.0, interstitial and rewarded ads share a generic full screen ad style for more consistency. These new full-screen ad APIs have two major distinctions from the version 7 full-screen ad APIs:
Static class method
.The previous approach to load/show a full-screen ad is as follows:
- Create an ad object instance and hold a reference to it.
- Assign a delegate that handles load and show callbacks.
- Load an ad.
- Check if ad is loaded using
. - Show the ad.
In version 8, the approach changes slightly. Load callbacks are no longer part of a delegate. Instead, they're passed into the
method as a completion handler:- Call a static load method on the ad class and provide a load completion handler.
- In the load completion callback, keep a reference to the loaded ad that's returned.
- Assign a delegate that handles show callbacks.
- Show the ad.
The new approach provides these benefits:
- You won't ever have a reference to an ad that is not loaded.
- You don't have to hold onto an ad object while it's loading.
Consistent ad events.
Event type Existing API v8 API Load events GADInterstitialDelegate
Presentation events GADFullScreenContentDelegate
Previously, to listen for any ad events, you would register a class that implements the
protocol to an interstitial's delegate property, or register a class that implements theGADRewardedAdDelegate
protocol to a rewarded ad's delegate property depending on which format you're using. This same delegate had methods related to both the loading and presentation life cycle of an ad.With version 8, load and presentation events are separate. You can now register a
any time prior to showing an ad instead of being required to set a single delegate prior to loading the ad. Ad load events, which are specific to each format, move to a single load completion handler passed in the load method.
Load ad
The code snippets below show you how to load an interstitial ad and listen for events when the ad succeeds or fails to load.
import GoogleMobileAds import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController, GADInterstitialDelegate { var interstitial: DFPInterstitial! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() interstitial = DFPInterstitial(adUnitID: "/21775744923/example/interstitial") interstitial.delegate = self let request = GAMRequest() interstitial.load(request) } /// Tells the delegate an ad request succeeded. func interstitialDidReceiveAd(_ ad: DFPInterstitial) { print("Interstitial ad loaded.") } /// Tells the delegate an ad request failed. func interstitial(_ ad: DFPInterstitial, didFailToReceiveAdWithError error: GADRequestError) { print("Interstitial ad failed to load with error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } }
@import GoogleMobileAds; @import UIKit; @interface ViewController ()@property(nonatomic, strong) DFPInterstitial *interstitial; @end @implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.interstitial = [[DFPInterstitial alloc] initWithAdUnitID:@"/21775744923/example/interstitial"]; self.interstitial.delegate = self; GAMRequest *request = [GAMRequest request]; [self.interstitial loadRequest:request]; } /// Tells the delegate an ad request succeeded. - (void)interstitialDidReceiveAd:(DFPInterstitial *)ad { NSLog(@"Insterstitial ad loaded."); } /// Tells the delegate an ad request failed. - (void)interstitial:(DFPInterstitial *)ad didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(GADRequestError *)error { NSLog(@"Interstitial ad failed to load with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]); }
import GoogleMobileAds import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController, GADFullScreenContentDelegate { var interstitial: GAMInterstitialAd? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let request = GAMRequest() GAMInterstitialAd.load(withAdUnitID:"ca-app-pub-8123415297019784/4985798738", request: request, completionHandler: { (ad, error) in if let error = error { print("Failed to load interstitial ad with error: \(error.localizedDescription)") return } self.interstitial = ad self.interstitial.fullScreenContentDelegate = self } ) } }
@import GoogleMobileAds; @import UIKit; @interface ViewController ()@property(nonatomic, strong) GAMInterstitialAd *interstitial; @end @implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; GAMRequest *request = [GAMRequest request]; [GAMInterstitialAd loadWithAdUnitID:@"/21775744923/example/interstitial" request:request completionHandler:^(GAMInterstitialAd *ad, NSError *error) { if (error) { NSLog(@"Failed to load interstitial ad with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]); return; } self.interstitial = ad; self.interstitial.fullScreenContentDelegate = self; }]; }
Display ad
func showInterstitial() { ... if interstitial.isReady { interstitial.present(fromRootViewController: self) } else { print("Ad wasn't ready") } }
- (void)showInterstitial: { ... if (self.interstitial.isReady) { [self.interstitial presentFromRootViewController:self]; } else { NSLog(@"Ad wasn't ready"); } }
func showInterstitial() { ... if let ad = interstitial { ad.present(fromRootViewController: self) } else { print("Ad wasn't ready") } }
- (void)showInterstitial: { ... if (self.interstitial) { [self.interstitial presentFromRootViewController:self]; } else { NSLog(@"Ad wasn't ready"); } }
Presentation ad events
The code snippets below show you how to handle callbacks for when the ad presents (successfully or unsuccessfully) and when it is dismissed.
override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() interstitial = DFPInterstitial(adUnitID: "/21775744923/example/interstitial") interstitial.delegate = self ... } /// Tells the delegate that an interstitial will be presented. func interstitialWillPresentScreen(_ ad: DFPInterstitial) { print("Interstitial ad will be presented.") } /// Tells the delegate the interstitial is to be animated off the screen. func interstitialWillDismissScreen(_ ad: DFPInterstitial) { print("Interstitial ad will be dismissed.") } /// Tells the delegate the interstitial had been animated off the screen. func interstitialDidDismissScreen(_ ad: DFPInterstitial) { print("Interstitial ad dismissed.") } /// Tells the delegate that a user click will open another app /// (such as the App Store), backgrounding the current app. /// /// This is not a reliable callback for an ad click event and is removed in /// version 8. If you wish to listen to an ad causing a user to leave the app, /// use applicationWillResignActive: or sceneWillResignActive: instead. func interstitialWillLeaveApplication(_ ad: DFPInterstitial) { print("Interstitial ad will leave application.") }
- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.interstitial = [[DFPInterstitial alloc] initWithAdUnitID:"/21775744923/example/interstitial"]; self.interstitial.delegate = self; ... } /// Tells the delegate that an interstitial will be presented. - (void)interstitialWillPresentScreen:(DFPInterstitial *)ad { NSLog(@"Interstitial ad will be presented."); } /// Tells the delegate the interstitial is to be animated off the screen. - (void)interstitialWillDismissScreen:(DFPInterstitial *)ad { NSLog(@"Interstitial ad will be dismissed."); } /// Tells the delegate the interstitial had been animated off the screen. - (void)interstitialDidDismissScreen:(DFPInterstitial *)ad { NSLog(@"Interstitial ad dismissed."); } /// Tells the delegate that a user click will open another app /// (such as the App Store), backgrounding the current app. /// /// This is not a reliable callback for an ad click event and is removed in /// version 8. If you wish to listen to an ad causing a user to leave the app, /// use applicationWillResignActive: or sceneWillResignActive: instead. - (void)interstitialWillLeaveApplication:(DFPInterstitial *)ad { NSLog(@"Interstitial ad will leave application."); }
override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let request = GAMRequest() GAMInterstitialAd.load(withAdUnitID:"ca-app-pub-8123415297019784/4985798738", request: request, completionHandler: { (ad, error) in if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) return } self.interstitial = ad self.interstitial.fullScreenContentDelegate = self } ) } func adDidPresentFullScreenContent(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd) { print("Ad did present full screen content.") } func ad(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd, didFailToPresentFullScreenContentWithError error: Error) { print("Ad failed to present full screen content with error \(error.localizedDescription).") } func adDidDismissFullScreenContent(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd) { print("Ad did dismiss full screen content.") }
- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; GAMRequest *request = [GAMRequest request]; [GAMInterstitialAd loadWithAdUnitID:@"/21775744923/example/interstitial" request:request completionHandler:^(GAMInterstitialAd *ad, NSError *error) { if (error) { NSLog(@"interstitial:didFailToReceiveAdWithError: %@", [error localizedDescription]) return; } self.interstitial = ad; self.interstitial.fullScreenContentDelegate = self; }]; } - (void)adDidPresentFullScreenContent:(id)ad { NSLog(@"Ad did present full screen content."); } - (void)ad:(id )ad didFailToPresentFullScreenContentWithError:(NSError *)error { NSLog(@"Ad failed to present full screen content with error %@.", [error localizedDescription]); } - (void)adDidDismissFullScreenContent:(id )ad { NSLog(@"Ad did dismiss full screen content."); }
Load ad
import GoogleMobileAds import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController, GADRewardedAdDelegate { /// The rewarded ad. var rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() rewardedAd = GADRewardedAd(adUnitID: "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1712485313") rewardedAd.delegate = self rewardedAd?.load(GAMRequest()) { error in if let error = error { print("Rewarded ad failed to load with error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { print("Rewarded ad loaded.") } } } }
@import GoogleMobileAds; @import UIKit; @interface ViewController ()@property(nonatomic, strong) GADRewardedAd *rewardedAd; @end @implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.rewardedAd = [[GADRewardedAd alloc] initWithAdUnitID:@"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1712485313"]; self.rewardedAd.delegate = self; GAMRequest *request = [GAMRequest request]; [self.rewardedAd loadRequest:request completionHandler:^(GADRequestError * _Nullable error) { if (error) { NSLog(@"Rewarded ad failed to load with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]); } else { NSLog(@"Rewarded ad loaded."); } }]; }
import GoogleMobileAds import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController, GADFullScreenContentDelegate { /// The rewarded ad. var rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let request = GAMRequest() GADRewardedAd.load(withAdUnitID: "ca-app-pub-8123415297019784/9501821136", request: request, completionHandler: { (ad, error) in if let error = error { print("Rewarded ad failed to load with error: \(error.localizedDescription)") return } self.rewardedAd = ad self.rewardedAd?.fullScreenContentDelegate = self } ) } }
@import GoogleMobileAds; @import UIKit; @interface ViewController ()@property(nonatomic, strong) GADRewardedAd *rewardedAd; @end @implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; GAMRequest *request = [GAMRequest request]; [GADRewardedAd loadWithAdUnitID:@"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1712485313" request:request completionHandler:^(GADRewardedAd *ad, NSError *error) { if (error) { NSLog(@"Rewarded ad failed to load with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]); return; } self.rewardedAd = ad; NSLog(@"Rewarded ad loaded."); self.rewardedAd.fullScreenContentDelegate = self; }
Display ad and handle reward
Rewarded ads require you to handle the event when a user earns a reward. With
version 7 of the GADRewardedAd
API, you implement
as part of the GADRewardedAdDelegate
For version 8, you implement the GADUserDidEarnRewardHandler
in order to
present the ad.
func showRewardedAd() { ... if rewardedAd.isReady { rewardedAd.present(fromRootViewController: self delegate:self) } else { print("Ad wasn't ready") } } /// Tells the delegate that the user earned a reward. func rewardedAd(_ rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd, userDidEarnReward: GADAdReward) { // TODO: Reward the user. }
- (void)showRewardedAd: { ... if (self.rewardedAd.isReady) { [self.rewardedAd presentFromRootViewController:self delegate:self]; } else { NSLog(@"Ad wasn't ready"); } } /// Tells the delegate that the user earned a reward. - (void)rewardedAd:(GADRewardedAd *)rewardedAd userDidEarnReward:(GADAdReward *)reward { // TODO: Reward the user. }
func showRewardedAd() { ... if let ad = rewardedAd { ad.present(fromRootViewController: self, userDidEarnRewardHandler: { let reward = ad.adReward // TODO: Reward the user. } ) } else { print("Ad wasn't ready") } }
- (void)showRewardedAd: { ... if (self.rewardedAd) { [self.rewardedAd presentFromRootViewController:self userDidEarnRewardHandler:^ { GADAdReward *reward = self.rewardedAd.adReward; // TODO: Reward the user. }]; } else { NSLog(@"Ad wasn't ready"); } }
Presentation ad events
With the GADRewardedAd
API you pass a GADRewardedAdDelegate
to the method
that presents the ad. With the GADRewardedAd
API, you set a
as a property on the ad prior to presenting the
func showRewardedAd() { ... if rewardedAd.isReady { rewardedAd.present(fromRootViewController: self delegate:self) } else { print("Ad wasn't ready") } } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad was presented. func rewardedAdDidPresent(_ rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd) { print("Rewarded ad presented.") } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad was dismissed. func rewardedAdDidDismiss(_ rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd) { print("Rewarded ad dismissed.") } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad failed to present. func rewardedAd(_ rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd, didFailToPresentWithError error: Error) { print("Rewarded ad failed to present with error: \(error.localizedDescription).") }
- (void)showRewardedAd: { ... if (self.rewardedAd.isReady) { [self.rewardedAd presentFromRootViewController:self delegate:self]; } else { NSLog(@"Ad wasn't ready"); } } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad was presented. - (void)rewardedAdDidPresent:(GADRewardedAd *)rewardedAd { NSLog(@"Rewarded ad presented."); } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad failed to present. - (void)rewardedAd:(GADRewardedAd *)rewardedAd didFailToPresentWithError:(NSError *)error { NSLog(@"Rewarded ad failed to present with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]); } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad was dismissed. - (void)rewardedAdDidDismiss:(GADRewardedAd *)rewardedAd { NSLog(@"Rewarded ad dismissed."); }
override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let request = GAMRequest() GADRewardedAd.load(withAdUnitID: "ca-app-pub-8123415297019784/9501821136", request: request, completionHandler: { (ad, error) in if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) return } self.rewardedAd = ad self.rewardedAd?.fullScreenContentDelegate = self } ) } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad was presented. func adDidPresentFullScreenContent(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd) { print("Rewarded ad presented.") } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad was dismissed. func adDidDismissFullScreenContent(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd) { print("Rewarded ad dismissed.") } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad failed to present. func ad(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd, didFailToPresentFullScreenContentWithError error: Error) { print("Rewarded ad failed to present with error: \(error.localizedDescription).") }
- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; GAMRequest *request = [GAMRequest request]; [GADRewardedAd loadWithAdUnitID:@"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1712485313" request:request completionHandler:^(GADRewardedAd *ad, NSError *error) { if (error) { NSLog(@"Rewarded ad failed to load with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]); return; } self.rewardedAd = ad; NSLog(@"Rewarded ad loaded."); self.rewardedAd.fullScreenContentDelegate = self; } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad was presented. - (void)adDidPresentFullScreenContent:(id)ad { NSLog(@"Rewarded ad presented."); } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad failed to present. - (void)ad:(id )ad didFailToPresentFullScreenContentWithError:(NSError *)error { NSLog(@"Rewarded ad failed to present with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]); } /// Tells the delegate that the rewarded ad was dismissed. - (void)adDidDismissFullScreenContent:(id )ad { NSLog(@"Rewarded ad dismissed."); }
Legacy GADRewardedBasedVideoAd API removal
The newer
API was first introduced back in March 2019 and has been the preferred rewarded
API for over 18 months. It has had more enhancements compared to the legacy
API, including the ability to load more than one
rewarded ad at a time.
The legacy GADRewardedBasedVideoAd
API is removed in SDK version 8.0.0.
Smart banner deprecation in favor of adaptive banner
Smart banner ads are deprecated in favor of adaptive banner ads. Adaptive banners provide superior performance and more flexibility in setting ad width. If you prefer to continue using full-width banners, that can still be done using adaptive banner, as shown in the following code snippet:
class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) // Note: The safe area is not known until viewWillAppear. let adSize = getFullWidthAdaptiveAdSize() } func getFullWidthAdaptiveAdSize() -> GADAdSize { // Here safe area is taken into account, hence the view frame is used after the // view has been laid out. let frame = { () -> CGRect in if #available(iOS 11.0, *) { return view.frame.inset(by: view.safeAreaInsets) } else { return view.frame } }() return GADCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth(frame.size.width) } }
@implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidAppear:animated]; // Note: The safe area is not known until viewWillAppear. GADAdSize adSize = [self getFullWidthAdaptiveAdSize]; } - (GADAdSize)getFullWidthAdaptiveAdSize { CGRect frame = self.view.frame; // Here safe area is taken into account, hence the view frame is used after // the view has been laid out. if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) { frame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(self.view.frame, self.view.safeAreaInsets); } return GADCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth(frame.size.width); } @end
Leave application callback removal
The willLeaveApplication
callback for all ad formats has been
removed in favor of the
methods. Using OS-level APIs notify you whenever users leave your app, regardless of
whether or not it is due to an ad interaction.
Note that the willLeaveApplication
callback was never intended to be
an ad click handler, and relying on this callback to report clicks did not
produce an accurate metric. For example, a click on the AdChoices
icon that launched an external browser invoked the callback but did not count a
Class renames
The table below lists specific class names that have changed or been removed in version 8. In summary:
- All classes related to
have been renamed toGADNativeAd
. GADRewardBasedVideoAd
, andGADInstreamAd
have been removed.- All classes with the
prefix have been replaced with aGAM
v7.68.0 Class | v8.0.0 Class |
DFPBannerView | GAMBannerView |
DFPBannerViewOptions | GAMBannerViewOptions |
DFPInterstitial | GAMInterstitialAd |
DFPRequest | GAMRequest |
GADRequestError | NSError |
GADUnifiedNativeAdView | GADNativeAdView |
GADUnifiedNativeAd | GADNativeAd |
GADUnifiedNativeAdAssetIdentifiers | GADNativeAdAssetIdentifiers |
GADUnifiedNativeAdDelegate | GADNativeAdDelegate |
GADUnifiedNativeAdUnconfirmedClickDelegate | GADNativeAdUnconfirmedClickDelegate |
GADNativeCustomTemplateAd | GADCustomNativeAd |
GADNativeCustomTemplateAdLoaderDelegate | GADCustomNativeAdLoaderDelegate |
GADNativeAdDelegate | GADCustomNativeAdDelegate |
GADInAppPurchase | Removed |
GADInterstitial | GADInterstitialAd |
GADNativeExpressAdView | Removed |
GADRewardBasedVideoAd | Removed |
GADInstreamAd | Removed |
GADInstreamAdView | Removed |
Methods removed/replaced
The table below lists the specific changes in version 8. In summary:
- Previously deprecated methods and properties have been removed.
delegate methods have been removed for all formats.- The ad network class name has moved to the
property. - The test device identifier has moved to the
v7.68.0 Class | v7.68.0 API | v8.0.0 API | Notes |
GADMobileAds | +configureWithApplicationID: | -startWithCompletionHandler: | The app ID is now set in Info.plist. |
+disableAutomatedInApp |
-disableAutomatedInApp |
+disableSDKCrashReporting | -disableSDKCrashReporting | ||
GADRequest | testDevices | GADRequestConfiguration |
The testDeviceIdentifiers property applies to all ad requests, while the old testDevices property was set per-request. |
gender | Removed | ||
birthday | Removed | ||
+sdkVersion | GADMobileAds.sharedInstance |
-setBirthday |
Removed | ||
-setLocationWithDescription: | -setLocationWith |
-tagForChildDirectedTreatment: | [GADMobileAds.sharedInstance.requestConfiguration tagForChildDirectedTreatment] | ||
GADErrorCode | kGADError* | GADError* | The k prefix is dropped from all error code constants.
GADBannerView | hasAutoRefreshed | autoloadEnabled | |
inAppPurchaseDelegate | Removed | ||
mediatedAdView | Removed | ||
adNetworkClassName | responseInfo |
DFPBannerView | -setValidAdSizesWithSizes: | -setValidAdSizes: | |
DFPBannerViewOptions | -adSizeDelegate | Removed | |
GADBannerViewDelegate | -adViewDidReceiveAd: | -bannerViewDidReceiveAd: | |
-adView:didFailToReceive |
-bannerView:didFailToReceive |
-adViewWillPresentScreen: | -bannerViewWillPresentScreen: | ||
-adViewWillDismissScreen: | -bannerViewWillDismissScreen: | ||
-adViewDidDismissScreen: | -bannerViewDidDismissScreen: | ||
-adViewWillLeaveApplication: | Removed | ||
GADNativeCustomTemplateAd | templateID | GADCustomNativeAd.formatID | |
-performClickOnAssetWithKey: |
-performClickOnAssetWithKey: | ||
GADNativeAdImageAd |
preferredImageOrientation | GADNativeAdMediaAdOptions |
GADInterstitial | inAppPurchaseDelegate | Removed | |
isReady | Removed | Use canPresentFrom |
hasBeenUsed | Removed | ||
-init | -initWithAdUnitID: | ||
-setAdUnitID: | -initWithAdUnitID: | ||
adNetworkClassName | responseInfo |
-interstitialWill |
Removed | ||
GADUnifiedNativeAd | videoController | mediaContent.videoController | |
adNetworkClassName | responseInfo |