Google Ads Policy account suspensions

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We take legal requirements and the safety of users seriously. Advertiser actions that put our users, Google, or our partners at risk can lead to an account suspension from using Google Ads. This is important for us to maintain a healthy and sustainable digital advertising ecosystem with user protection at its core.

Google Ads policies and Terms & Conditions help create a safe and positive experience for users and advertisers.

If we detect violations of our egregious policies and Terms & Conditions, your account will be suspended immediately without prior warning.

For repeat violations that lead to account suspension, we will send you a warning to outline the nature of the policy violation and any remedial action that can be taken, in order to comply. This notification will be sent at least 7 days before a suspension action.

What is an egregious policy violation?

An egregious violation of the Google Ads policies is a violation so serious that it is unlawful or poses significant harm to our users or our digital advertising ecosystem. Egregious violations often reflect that the advertiser's overall business does not adhere to Google Ads policies or that one violation is so severe that we cannot risk future exposure to our users.

Given that egregious violations will cause immediate account suspension, upon detection and without prior warning, we limit these to cases when such action is the only effective method to adequately prevent illegal activity and significant user harm.

What happens if an egregious violation is detected?

If we detect an egregious violation, we will suspend your Google Ads accounts immediately without prior warning. You will not be allowed to advertise with us again.

How many times can advertisers appeal their account suspension status?

If you file too many appeals for the same account suspension, we may not process them to ensure the overall stability of our systems operations. Submitting one appeal at a time ensures timely response and review.

If we have indications that you are misusing our appeals function, we will suspend processing of certain appeals for 7 days.

Additional rights under the EU Digital Services Act

Users and advertisers located in the EU may have additional redress options. Read more about those potential options here.

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