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Changes are coming to this article
This article will be updated with recently announced changes.
We’re increasing the scope of the Medical functionalities policy and updating the policy language to incorporate the latest medical guidance and disclaimer requirements for health and medical apps. We’re also consolidating health-related policies under the Health Content and Services page. (effective May 28, 2025)
To preview the updated “Health Content and Services” article, visit this page.
We don't allow apps that expose users to harmful health content and services.
If your app contains or promotes health content and services, you must ensure your app is compliant with any applicable laws and regulations.
Health AppsIf your app accesses health data and is either a health app or offers health-related features, it must comply with existing Google Play Developer Policies, including Privacy, Deception and Abuse and Sensitive Events, in addition to the below requirements:
Health Connect DataData accessed through Health Connect Permissions is regarded as personal and sensitive user data subject to the User Data policy, and is subjected to additional requirements.
We do not allow apps that facilitate the sale or purchase of prescription drugs without a prescription.
Unapproved SubstancesGoogle Play doesn't allow apps that promote or sell unapproved substances, irrespective of any claims of legality.
For additional information on the unapproved or misleading pharmaceuticals and supplements that we monitor, please visit |
Health MisinformationWe don’t allow apps containing misleading health claims that contradict existing medical consensus, or can cause harm to users.
Payments - Clinical ServicesTransactions involving regulated clinical services should not use Google Play’s billing system. For more information, see Understanding Google Play’s Payments policy.
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