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What's new in Vault

Google Vault is constantly being updated with new features, enhancements, and fixes. Most features are available within several days of launch, but some rollouts may take longer.

February 4, 2025: Support for search and export for Gemini app conversations

Vault now supports searching and exporting Gemini app conversations. You can use Vault to:

For details about what is supported, go to Supported services and data types.

You can now export Gmail messages using a new, faster system in Vault. Vault shows a progress bar as the export is created. Exports that take longer than 24 hours no longer require a manual restart.

In the new system, some export files have different names and formats from the classic system. Organizations that use a script to process Vault export files for Gmail might need to update their scripts to correctly process the new filenames and types. For details, see the summary of changes below.

To use the new export system, you choose the option when you create the export. API users can set use_new_export=true in MailExportOptions.

For now, exports use the classic system unless you choose to use the improved one when you start the export. The new system will replace the classic system in a few months. During the transition when both options are available, Vault will indicate which Gmail exports were created with the new system.

Note: Only export files for Gmail are changing. Export files for other services are staying the same.

Summary of changes

Information File name What's new
Message contents

The file contains mbox or PST files, rather than zipped message files.

The message files are named export_name-account.mbox or export_name-account.pst, where account is the full email address of the custodian (the account that sent or received the message).

In some cases, more than one file is generated for an account and the file name includes an increment. For example, an export could contain the following files:

Message metadata

Classic: export_name-metadata.xml

New: export_name-metadata.csv

In CSV format. It contains the same information as the classic file plus new columns:

  • Rfc822MessageId–An identifier to use to associate metadata with an exported message (similar to External FileName)
  • GmailMessageId—A unique identifier for each message
  • Account—The account that had the message in their Inbox.

    For example, received a message sent to because they're a member of the group. If a search returns that message because it was in user1's Inbox, then the value of To is and the value of Account is

Accounts and message count

Classic: export_name-results-count.csv

New: export_name-results-counts.csv

More information is reported:

  • For each account, the number of Gmail messages successfully exported, Gmail messages with errors, and threads with errors.
  • The total number of Gmail messages successfully exported, Gmail messages with errors, and threads with errors.
  • The status of each account, which reflects if the messages were exported successfully, partially successfully, or unsuccessfully.
  • The file includes email addresses with no results.

The accounts are now sorted in descending order of successfully exported messages.

Error reports

Classic: error.csv, and export_name-account-exceptions.csv

New: export_name-error.xml

The new error report is one file in XML format. It's always part of the export, even when no errors occurred.

It contains the same information as the classic files plus the following:

  • Account—The account that had the message in their Inbox.
  • AccountErrors—A list of users whose messages couldn't be searched.
  • PartialAccountErrors—A list of users whose messages were only partially searched.
  • MessageErrors—The metadata for messages that couldn't be exported. Common export errors are for Gmail messages with large attachments and conversations that couldn't be expanded.
  • PSTConversionErrors—For PST-formatted exports, a list of the Account and Rfc822MessageId values for messages that weren't converted for PST. These messages are available in their original EML format in the new, described in the next row.
Messages that didn’t convert to PST

New file that’s returned for exports in PST format when some messages aren’t converted to PST. The file contains the messages that weren’t converted in EML format.

If more than one file is returned, the file names have an increment. For example:

File checksums export_name.md5 No changes

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