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What's new in design tools | Session
Hear the latest improvements on the Android Studio Design tools such as the Layout Editor, Layout Validation, and Layout Inspector, as well as a quick look on the new features in ConstraintLayout and MotionLayout libraries. We also introduce a set of new visual tools we have been working on this past year, focused on improving and speeding up app development with Jetpack Compose. Speakers: Nicolas Roard, Diego Perez Watch more: Android and Play at Google I/O 2021 Playlist → All Google I/O 2021 Technical Sessions → All Google I/O 2021 Sessions → Subscribe to Android Developers →​ #Featured #Design #GoogleIO #GoogleIO #Android #Design product: Android - Android Studio; event: Google I/O 2021; fullname: Nicolas Roard, Diego Perez; re_ty: Premiere;

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