Message your users with FCM and FIAM on Android
Stay organized with collections
Save and categorize content based on your preferences.
Learn how to communicate with users and build business with Firebase Cloud and In-App Messaging.
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Introduce Firebase Cloud Messaging
Learn how Firebase Cloud Messaging works and the benefits of using FCM to entice, engage, and notify your users through multiple platforms.
Set up a Firebase Cloud Messaging client app on Android
Learn the requirements for FCM on Android and how to set up FCM in your app.
Firebase In-App Messaging: Engage active app users with contextual messages
Learn how Firebase In-App Messaging works and the benefits of using FIAM to communicate with your app’s users.
Identify the requirements for sending FIAM message
Learn how to set up In-App Messaging in your Firebase-enabled app.
Use FCM and FIAM to send messages to users
Learn to send messages to your users with FCM and FIAM, and explore use cases.
Messaging with Firebase quiz
Take the quiz and earn your Messaging with Firebase badge.