Support for Google Workspace resellers

As a Google Workspace reseller, you use the Google Cloud Support Portal to create and manage support cases for Google Workspace customers. (The Google Cloud Support Portal replaced the Google Cloud Support Center for Google Workspace resellers.)

Sign in to the Google Cloud Support Portal with the same reseller username and password you used for the old portal. If you don't have access to the Google Cloud Support Portal, contact your super administrator.

Open the Google Cloud Support Portal

Note: Product permissions that were supported in the Google Cloud Support Center aren't supported in the Customer Care Portal.

For super administrators

If your users had access to the Cloud Support Center, they most likely have access to the Google Cloud Support Portal. Sign in to the Google Cloud Support Portal to review users who don’t have access. For questions about access, contact Google Workspace support and reference issue number 177584086.

To give a user access to the Google Cloud Support Portal, go to Assign reseller admin privileges. If your organization has reseller accounts at multiple domains, follow the steps for Partners with multiple reseller domains.

Managing cases in the Google Cloud Support Portal

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For partners with multiple reseller domains

If you have multiple reseller domains, you need a user account at each domain to view the customers in the domain. For security and privacy, the Google Cloud Support Portal shows only the customers assigned to the reseller domain that you’re signed in to. 

Give your users a Cloud Identity free edition account at your reseller domains. Then your users can sign in to the Google Cloud Support Portal and manage customers at each reseller domain. Users can sign in to multiple browser tabs and switch between domains to look up customers and cases. Learn more about Cloud Identity accounts.

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